June 21, 2019

Caterina Degano Massimo_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Portugal - The Azores intensify the fight against plastic packaging

A new resolution to safeguard the environment
Mérieux NutriSciences_Environmental

A recent resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores reinforces the measures to reduce the use of packaging and plastic products to safeguard environmental sustainability in all the islands of the archipelago.

In particular, plastic bottles are mainly responsible for marine pollution.
The new resolution establishes the adoption of new measures for hotels, restaurants, canteens and similar facilities that oblige the forced separation of packaging waste, in particular paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, metal and wood, and biodegradable waste food products, as well as the use of plastic containers and products for a correct waste management. Among the various measures planned, there is also a request to update the rate on the supply of plastic bags to the final consumer. We also report the obligation to display in the products for sale that contain plastic a declaration that confirms that the product is subject to "special contribution on plastic products".

Source: Portuguese Diario de Republica


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