April 1, 2019

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Spain - More fruit, vegetables and milk in schools

The new school program has been approved by the Ministry
Mérieux NutriSciences_Fruit

In March the Spanish "Ministerio de agricultura, pesca y alimentación" modified a decree published in 2017 to apply also in Spain the European Union legislation to develop a food culture program in schools.

The EU Regulation 2016/791  concerns the aid scheme for the distribution of fruit and vegetables, bananas and milk in schools. Thanks to the application of this standard, there is now a common legal and financial framework, that is more adequate and effective to maximize the impact of the distribution of these foods and increase the efficiency of school program management.

Complementary goal to the distribution of healthy foods is to increase students' knowledge of nutrition issues: local food chains, sustainable food, biological food, fight against food waste.

Source: BOE Boletin Oficial del Estado

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