April 9, 2018

Caterina Degano Massimo_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Turkey – Food Contact Materials

On April 5, new legislation came into force
Mérieux NutriSciences_food contact

The Turkish Official Gazette published a new rule on materials in contact with food or that are supposed to be in contact with food and produced for this purpose. The provisions also apply to substances and materials that come into contact with water for individual consumption. The purpose of the rule is to ensure that substances and materials in direct or indirect contact with food are not harmful to consumers’ health and are intended to protect consumers’ interests at all stages of production, processing and distribution.

Among the various interesting points, art. 7 deals with the list of substances allowed in the production of the materials, their specific conditions of use, the purity criteria, the terms of use, the migration limits of the components or groups of components, possible risks deriving from the contact of the material; art. 13 focuses on labeling standards, while art. 21 provides that recycled plastics cannot be used in the production of materials in contact with food.
The rule comes into force on the date of publication in the Official Journal (April 5, 2018), however, for some articles, there is a later date (December 31, 2019).

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