December 5, 2016

Elisa Biondani, Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Italy - Consolidated law on wine

It will be the only law for the whole sector
Mérieux NutriSciences Wine Italy

Last November, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture announced the approval of the Consolidated law on wine by the Chamber of Deputies. The law is the result of a thorough work: one single rule gathers and updates all existing provisions, thus cutting red tape and improving controls. 

According to the Minister’s Press release published on November 28th, the law focuses on production, marketing, designations of origin, PGIs, traditional terms, labeling and  sanctions. Moreover, there is a provision on the protection of historic vineyards to promote their recovery and safeguarding especially if they are present in areas having a hydrogeological risk or having a special landscape value. The law is also important for the safeguarding of products against counterfeiting. 
The rule will have to be approved by the Senate.

Source: Mipaaf Website

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