Argentina - Artisanal dairy establishments will be included in the Food Code

During the 126th Reunión Ordinaria de la Comisión Nacional de Alimentos (CONAL), the Secretaría de Gobierno de Agroindustria de la Nación (Secretariat of Government of Agribusiness of the Nation) decided to add dairy establishments of artisanal elaboration to the Argentine Food Code. This measure contemplates the requirements of infrastructure, according to its scale of production, without neglecting the principles of food safety, hygiene, good practices, environmental care and animal health.
Moreover, the meeting analyzed the unification of criteria at a national level for labeling requirements of pork meat, and the obligation to declare on the label that pork meat -once defrosted- cannot be refrozen, as requested by the Asociación Argentina de Productores Porcinos and by the Subsecretaría de Ganadería de Agroindustria.