Juli 4, 2019

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences_Italy

EU – Different composition in similarly branded food products

A Commission’s study compared 1,400 products in the EU market
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In June the European Commission released a study assessing differences in the composition of EU food products. 1,400 food products of 128 different food products were analyzed in 19 EU countries: 9% of the compared products differed in composition, although the front-of-pack was identical while a further 22% of products with a different composition had a similar front-of-pack. Moreover, 27% of products had a different composition in different EU countries with a different front-of-pack.

It’s important to say that the difference in the composition does not necessarily constitute a difference in product quality and the study did not find any “consistent geographical pattern in the use of the same or similar packaging for products with different compositions”. 

Taking into account that according to EU legislation it is unfair to marketing a  good as identical to one marketed in another Member States with a significantly different composition or characteristics, the EU Commission launched a new call for proposals with a total budget of €1.26 million to strengthen consumer organizations’ capacities to test products and identify potentially misleading practices. The deadline for applications is 6 November 2019.

Source: European Commission - Press release

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