September 13, 2019

Elisa Biondani_Mérieux NutriSciences_Italy

EU is the largest global exporter of agri-food products

In 2018, exports reached €138 billion
Mérieux NutriSciences_market

Agro-food products maintain the fourth share of EU total good exported in 2018 (7%) and the food chain accounts for 7.5% of employment.
40% of EU's agri-food products are exported towards the top five destinations which are United States, China, Switzerland, Japan and Russia.

Wines and liqueurs are the most exported products, infant food, food preparations, chocolate, pasta and pastry following.
Taking into account that EU imported in 2018 food product with a value of €116 billion, the EU trade balance registered a positive net of €22 billion.

Imports from the U.S. were the fastest growing in 2018, with an increase of 10%, which makes this country the EU's top supplier of agri-food products.


Source: EU Commission Press Release

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