Mai 31, 2019

Elisa Biondani_Mérieux NutriSciences_ Italy

Italy – Agribusiness exchange with Japan is growing

Satisfaction at the recent G20 on agriculture
Mérieux NutriSciences_ Agrifood

On the occasion of the G20 on agriculture held in Japan and after a meeting with the Japanese Minister, his Italian counterpart highlighted how relations in the agri-food sector between the two countries continue to record increasingly significant data year after year.

For the meat sector, the Minister expressed satisfaction in the resumption of exports to Japan of Italian beef products made with national raw materials, including bresaola, while for the fruit and vegetable sector, he expressed his intention to find a solution to the negotiation on the kiwi protocol; for oranges, on the other hand, simplified checking procedures will be implemented for air shipments.

Source: Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies

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