April 5, 2019

Kae Sugisaki_Japan

Japan - Increase in organic agriculture products

Organic soy and fruit are the most imported
Mérieux NutriSciences_bean

The Japanese “Ministry of Agriculture" updated the official document “Situation of organic agriculture”
In Japan, organic agriculture has its standard (Japanese Agricultural Standard) which complies with the Guidelines of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. According to these rules, organic products must be produced without chemical fertilizers and pesticides and GMOs are not authorized. The main aim of such rule is to reduce the environmental damage as much as possible.

The demand for organic food is increasing all over the world and the trend is confirmed in Japan too, where the most requested foods are soy and fruit (almost 40,000 tons per year). Among the most exported products, there are tea, the “Konnyaku” (a product made with potato gluten) and processed products containing plum.

In Japan, the production of organic farming is still low, but domestic demand is expected to increase: hence governmental incentives to support it. 

Source: Website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


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