Mai 17, 2019

Caterina Degano Massimo_Mérieux NutriSciences_Italy

Mercosur - New measures for GMO products

A regional mechanism to prevent the presence of low-level GMOs
 Mérieux NutriSciences_OGM

In May, the Mercosur Agricultural Biotechnology Commission met in Buenos Aires to find a solution to the trade barriers resulting from LLP (Low-Level Presence) of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) approved asynchronously within the block, both on the market and outside Mercosur. The proposed rule will be presented in June.

Currently, there are no harmonized standards for the control of raw materials that may contain traces of genetically modified organisms not covered by the authorizations of the destination country. Experience has shown that, in the absence of such standards, official laboratories and competent authorities apply different sampling methods for the identification of these traces and for the interpretation of analytical test results. This can lead to different conclusions regarding product conformity with current regulations.

If the harmonization proposal is confirmed, Mercosur countries would be the first to have a tool to prevent low-level GMOs.

Source: Argentina's government website 


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