Poland - Chia sage: novel food on Polish market

On the Polish market the range of product with Chia sage, also known as Spanish chia, is noticeably growing. It can be found in bakery products, breakfast cereals and fruit juices.
Did you know that Chia sage (Salvia hispanica) is considered as a novel food what means that prior to May 1997 it has not been used for human consumption to a significant degree within the Community and what important authorisation of the European Commission is required for placing it on the UE market.
Under Commission Decisions and authorisation issued by a Member State sale/use of Chia seeds and Chia oil is currently permitted in the following groups of food:
•Bread products and other bakery products
•Breakfast cereals
•Fruit, nut and seed mixtures
•Fruit juices and fruit juice blends
•Pre-packaged Chia seed as such
•Cold-pressed Chia oil
The use of Chia sage is strictly regulated and detailed conditions of use (like maximum content) and the labelling requirements are set out in the relevant Commission Decisions.
A novel food can gain access to the market through the application procedure (for novel foods introduced for the first time to the EU market) or the simplified notification procedure (for products, which are substantially equivalent to already authorised food), however a new Regulation on novel foods was published on 11 December 2015 and the application of the new provisions will commence on 1 January 2018.
If you want to know more about novel food, it’s labelling and placing on the market please contact us.
Source: European Commission website