Romania - Law on the reduction of food waste
Reducing waste is a goal pursued by all operators in the food industry.
To this end, the Romanian Parliament passed a law on this issue and defines as “food waste” all the products that have left the circuit of food intended for human consumption because of their deterioration. Food business operators are required to take appropriate measures to prevent food waste, such as those to reduce waste already along the agri-food chain, production, processing, storage, distribution and marketing, measures relating to the sale, the transfer of food through the donation or sponsorship by organizations that are part of the ANSVSA (Autoritatea Naţională Sanitară Veterinară şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor), but always respecting hygienic conditions (including transport and storage temperature) and the terms envisaged for labeling as well as measures concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption or animal feed to be converted into compost or biogas in accordance with existing environmental and veterinary legislations.
The new law provides that food with a close expiry date and food from donations or sponsorships cannot be marketed in any other way. The transfer of food to ANSVSA members shall occur by contract or donation. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will define the Implementing Decrees within 6 months from the date of publication of the law, Nov. 22, 2016.
Source: Monitorul Oficial