New rules effective from January 2020 - Red symbols for sugars, sodium and saturated fats
After seeing which are the FoP systems (Front-of-Pack) so far developed in Europe, we will take a closer look at one of the most recent examples of frontal nutrition labeling outside the European Union. In Israel, the obligation to use the Red symbols came into force from January 1, 2020.
The new regulatory obligation provides for the insertion of one or more symbols defined Red symbols, as they are characterized by a bright red color that makes them clearly visible on the label, which respectively highlight the high content of sugars, saturated fats and salt when these nutrients exceed threshold values.
The current thresholds will be valid until 31 December 2020: starting from 1 January 2021, in fact, new and more restrictive limit values will be applied. The law introduced less stringent temporary limits for one year to allow food companies to reformulate their products in view of the thresholds applicable from 2021.
To date, the red symbols must appear on the front of the label whenever 100 g of solid product contain:
more than 13.5 g of total sugars
more than 500 mg of sodium
more than 5 g of saturated fat.
In the case of liquid products, the maximum values allowed for 100 ml are the following:
- 400 mg of sodium,
- 5 g of total sugars,
- 3 g of saturated fat.
Starting from January 1, 2021, the final limits will be lower than those of the transition period and will apply to products manufactured or imported starting from January 1, 2020. Another important detail for imported products is that the date of issue will prevail over the certificate of issue of the import office.
Let us see in detail what will be the definitive limits established by the new Israeli legislation:
Solid products (100g):
- 400 mg of sodium,
- 10 g of total sugars,
- 4 g of saturated fat.
Liquid products (100ml):
- 300 mg of sodium,
- 5 g of total sugars,
- 3 g of saturated fat in 100 ml.
The symbols must be positioned on the front of the package, and comply with the precise graphic requirements, especially as regards the diameter and the intensity of the color. The standard does not apply to foods packaged in multiple packs or in packs with a front surface of less than 25 square centimeters.