Spain: RGSEEA for Foodstuffs intended for Particular Nutritional Uses
Application of Regulation nº 609/2013 will concern, in terms of Spanish sanitary register (RGSEAA: Registro General Sanitario de Empresas Alimentarias y Alimentos), some products that were classified as foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses and now are considered as food for normal consumption from 20th of July 2016.
Spanish authorities of some autonomous region are sending personalized communications to inform the companies which their foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses have been changed to be considered as food for normal consumption.
Due to the change in the classification of those products, AECOSAN (Agencia Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición) is working, for a few months, on the modification of the catalogue of the classification of activities for the registration of companies in the RGSEAA. Once the catalogue is updated, the administration itself will be responsible for making the official update of the sanitary register for key 26 while it will be the responsibility of each company to check that their ordinary foods are included in one of the keys of the sanitary register already requested by the company.
Whether ordinary foods are not included in any of the activities granted by the administration, companies must apply for registration or extension of activity for these foods, as appropriate.
Our Consulting Department can support every company who needs to apply for registration or extension of activity in order to ensure the correct adaptation to the new situation.